As a business owner, you want your company to grow. One way that many businesses experience sudden, valuable growth is through mergers and acquisitions. These are amazing business opportunities but come with some complexities you must navigate.
If your business uses an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to stay productive, then there's a good chance you'll have two ERPs after the merger or acquisition is complete. In other words, a business acquisition can also be an ERP acquisition, and you need to know whether you'll keep the two ERPs separate or combine them into one.
With the right ERP strategy following a merger and acquisition, you can ensure your business keeps growing the right way.
Some businesses are more suitable for an ERP consolidation strategy than others. Consider the following three steps to see if consolidation is right for your business.
Even the most comprehensive ERP integration strategy can have positive and negative effects you must weigh against each other. For instance, consolidation can help you streamline your operations to increase efficiency but could also halt your operations during the implementation phase. Greater efficiency may have plenty of benefits for the future of your business, but your employees may face a bit of a learning curve getting used to the consolidated ERP system.
Take time to thoughtfully analyze the pros and cons of ERP consolidation and how they will impact your business. If you find that the positives outweigh the negatives, you can confidently move forward in considering ERP implementation for a merger and acquisition.
Next, you should see if consolidating your two ERP systems will save you money or have other strategic benefits, like saving time or helping your company achieve further growth. Determine how much money you're spending keeping both ERP systems active. You may need to collaborate with your IT department or finance team to get the most accurate numbers.
Consider what would happen if your business transitioned from using several old systems to one newer, streamlined system. If you find that consolidating will give you a better return on investment (ROI), then doing so may be the right decision for your business.
The final step is seeing if consolidating ERP strategies for mergers and acquisitions will benefit your business as a whole. Find any pain points in your operations as they relate to having two ERP strategies. Will consolidation ease these pain points?
Reach out to ERP integration companies and ask for case studies and white papers showing statistical evidence of the benefits consolidation could give to your company. After seeing the numbers and considering the positive impact it could have on your business, you may find that ERP consolidation is the proper path moving forward.
Even if you decide that ERP consolidation is right for you, you should still be aware of some of the challenges you might face. Here are five of the potential ERP integration challenges you might face when deciding to consolidate your business's ERP systems after a merger and acquisition:
Once you're ready to begin your ERP consolidation process, take measures to set yourself up for success. Here are some of the steps you can take to make the transition process as easy as possible:
The Vested Group is ready to help you consolidate your ERP systems after a merger and acquisition. We service a variety of industries, so we can give you the custom experience you're looking for in your company's sector of the market. Contact us today to take the next step toward streamlining your operations with a consolidated ERP system!