Blog — The Vested Group

Spice up Your eCommerce.

Written by Stevie Patterson | Jul 14, 2020

As we have seen in the last few months, having a website to drive commerce is more important than ever. This is why you should look into SuiteCommerce Advanced or Suite Commerce for NetSuite.

A full-featured eComm solution, SuiteCommerce Advanced allows you to sell products through multiple brands, and B2B or B2C through a single site. You have tons of options at your, or your web developer’s, fingertips.

Not only do you get an enormous amount of flexibility with the site, but SuiteCommerce Advanced also unifies all commerce with your core business operations within NetSuite.

Here are a few other noteworthy benefits of SuiteCommerce Advanced:

  • Responsive Themes
  • Optimized for ALL devices
  • Unlimited Layout Control
  • Customer Accounts that are B2B & B2C friendly
  • Order Tracking, Order History, and Checking Order Status can all be done online!
  • Tailored Buying Experience with Customized Pricing and Terms

The Vested Group is CAP certified, meaning we have been through the wringer to ensure that we have the skills and resources to provide the best direction, development, and support of your ongoing online endeavors. inVESTED, our Support & Optimization Division, has assisted several clients with their SuiteCommerce Advanced implementations and is ready to take your business to the next level.

If you have questions about what SuiteCommerce Advanced, NetSuite, or The Vested Group can do to make your business more successful, please contact us here or fill out the form below