Blog — The Vested Group

Cloud Computing Infographic Roundup

Written by Joel Patterson | Dec 17, 2012

Several months ago we posted an article in which we shared a few interesting infographics about cloud computing.  An infographic is essentially a graphical representation of information, statistics, or an explanation of a concept.  A well designed infographic is visually pleasing and generally easy to understand.  We already shared two great cloud computing infographics in our previous article, Cloud Computing Infographics, and today we would like to share a few more.

Cloud Computing: What is That, and Why Should I Care?

The first cloud computing infographic we are sharing is a nice basic explanation of cloud computing from Wikibon.  This infographic begins with at few key benefits of cloud computing including anywhere, anytime access to data, improved reliability and security of data, wider access to free software, and software that is up to date with less malware.  This infographic also contains information about cloud computing costs, and a sampling of cloud computing services you may already be using without even knowing.  Do you want to know five business advantages of cloud computing? Click on the link to this infographic above to find out.

Cloud Computing: SMB’s Secret Weapon

Cloud Computing: SMB’s Secret Weapon is a great infographic from Microsoft that examines some of the benefits of a cloud platform for small to medium sized businesses (SMBs).  This infographic is broken down into four informative sections: Today’s SMBs, Potential for Success, Cloud Concerns, and Multiple Services, One Vendor.  If you operate a small to medium sized business, this infographic contains a lot of food for thought if you are considering a move to the cloud.  While the information in this infographic is just the tip of the iceberg, this infographic would be a great place to start your cloud computing research.

Ahead in the Cloud

In another cloud infographic from Wikibon, Ahead in the Cloud details the results of an independently conducted cloud computing usage survey.  This 2012 survey of 3,645 IT decision makers from eight different countries produced some interesting results including the statistic that less than 15% of companies who adopted a cloud platform downsized their IT department.  In fact 20% of the companies surveyed hired additional IT staff after moving to the cloud.  Also, 65% of the companies chose cloud subscriptions that lasted longer than one year.  Take a look at this infographic if you want to get a feel for how the cloud is being used across the globe. 

The Cloud Impact and Adoption – Predictions for Today and Tomorrow

The last infographic we have to share today is a great one for the end of the year because it outlines some predictions for cloud computing for 2012 and beyond.  Where are cloud security measures headed? What does the future hold for IT departments? Who is buying cloud services? Find out the answers to these questions and more by visiting the link above.

We hope you found these cloud computing infographics informative and useful.  Hopefully, these links have generated some questions for you regarding the cloud.  Put your list of questions together and get in touch with The Vested Group today.  We would love to talk to you about your business structure and how the cloud could benefit your organization!