Blog — The Vested Group

2013 Cloud Predictions Roundup

Written by Joel Patterson | Jan 6, 2013

We shared an article in mid-November of last year that discussed technology predictions for 2013, Gartner’s Top Technology Trends for 2013.  As we previously stated, the beginning of a new year is always a popular time for experts and enthusiasts to make predictions about everything in the realm of technology, including cloud computing.  We are one week in to January of 2013 and it seems like predictions are popping up everywhere you look.  Today, we are sharing some cloud computing prediction articles with our reader so you can get your fill of what to look for in the world of cloud computing in 2013 all in one place.  Read on and enjoy!

2013 Cloud Predictions: We’ll Finally Get Real About Cloud

The first cloud predictions article in our roundup is from James Staten.  Staten’s list is a nice round list of 10 that takes a reality check approach to cloud computing.  Staten makes some bold statements about where he thinks cloud computing should be headed in the upcoming year(s), focusing on refining the context in which IT and other professionals view cloud computing.  Staten’s thought provoking list of predictions is definitely worth taking a look at.

A Few 2013 Cloud Predictions for the Enterprise

David A. Kelly of Upside Research takes an optimistic view of cloud computing and the impact he expects it to have on enterprise in 2013.  For example, Kelly predicts that cloud computing will become more secure than ever, with 2013 being a major milestone for what is seen by some as one of cloud computing’s biggest drawback.  Although many cloud computing security fears are merely myths, Kelly predicts cloud computing will be seen as a solid platform for enterprise computing beginning in 2013.

Cloud Computing Predictions for 2013

The Cloudways blog offers six cloud computing predictions for 2013 in the format of a mini-roundup of industry analyst predictions.  This article presents some compelling quotes from cloud and technology experts to support each prediction.  Probably the most interesting item on this list is the idea that there will be a shortage of cloud savvy employees, “One of the key issues the industry will face is shortage of cloud ready employees, which can literally make it a breaking point when opting for an enterprise level adoption.”  Perhaps the area of cloud computing will be a great place to focus education and training for those looking to remain relevant in the job market?

Noise Filter: Cloud Computing Predictions for 2013

Justin Lee of theWHIR offers another thoughtful compilation of cloud computing predictions for 2013 in this end of the year article.  He describes his list of predictions as, “five of the top analyst predictions regarding cloud computing in 2013.”  This article is a great read if you don’t want to spend your time sifting through all of the cloud computing prediction fluff – Lee has taken care of that for you. 

What do you think of these predictions? Have a prediction or two of your own to add? We love to hear from our readers, so please leave your thoughts in a comment below!