Blog — The Vested Group

SMBs: Don't Be Afraid of the Cloud

Written by Joel Patterson | Aug 17, 2013

Here at The Vested Group, we specialize in the small-to-medium business (SMB) market.  Companies in this market segment face a unique set of challenges not often experienced by larger organizations.  SMB resources are typically responsible for activities in multiple departments and their time is generally in high demand.  This creates conflict during implementation phases due to a lack of available time.

The combination of our methodology and the tools that the NetSuite system brings to bear allows us to effectively mitigate this risk while not sacrificing the effectiveness of the solution. Our singular focus on this market segment makes for a smoother and more productive project for everyone involved.  We will spend a significant amount of time during the planning phase to set proper expectations around roles and responsibilities, time commitments, and implementation methodology.

Because we are focused on working with SMBs, we also know the challenges and fears that you may face when considering moving your organization to a cloud-based platform.  But have no fear, cloud computing does not have to be a scary thing. Today we are going to discuss three common fears SMBs typically have when thinking about cloud solutions and some positive things that can be said about those fears.

Fear of the Unknown

Feeling uneasy about something new is common whether it be related to a new technology, a new environment, or new processes.  However, when you examine this fear you can usually quell these feelings with education and exposure.  Exposure to cloud computing is easy to tackle – most of you are already using some form of the cloud in your daily life be it via social media or online productivity tools.  Educating yourself about cloud computing may seem like a daunting task, but all you really need is a few great resources to learn some basic information.  We suggest starting with this great article: Cloud Computing Simplified.

Performance Anxiety

Some SMBs fear that moving their business operations to a cloud platform will equate to a downgrade in system performance.  While this could be true of any change in operations, it is really a matter of planning and preparation. The speed of your system and applications is contingent on Internet connection, the types of applications and other factors.  Therefore, your system requirements and design should be thoroughly discussed with your cloud vendor and IT support staff.  Having the proper infrastructure in place will help to avoid performance issues. A move to the cloud does not mean your business will have to settle for poor system performance.

Fear of Failure

Some SMBs are leery of moving to the cloud because they fear their cloud service provider may fail, leaving them with costly downtime.  While you can find instances of cloud service provider failure if you look for it, don’t forget that downtime can be found with just about any system you choose.  Using a cloud platform actually has an added advantage as far as system failure is concerned: Using the cloud allows SMBs to have a failsafe set up somewhere else to ensure reliable service continues without interruption.

If you are an SMB that is considering a move to the cloud, The Vested Group is here to help!  We have offices in Dallas, TX and Tampa, FL and we are available to discuss any questions or concerns you may have about cloud computing.  Take your business to new heights by contacting The Vested Group today!