Blog — The Vested Group

NetSuite Resources: Whitepapers, Datasheets, and More!

Written by Joel Patterson | Sep 22, 2013

Last week in our blog article Keep Up with the Learning Curve with NetSuite Resources, we discussed some great tools provided by NetSuite to help customers and potential customers familiarize themselves with the features and functions of NetSuite.  Click over to our article linked above if you want to explore NetSuite’s product demonstrations and webinars – two very useful tools for learning more about NetSuite.  But, product demonstrations and no-cost webinars aren’t the only learning tools NetSuite has to offer!  Today, we have more excellent NetSuite resources to share with you.

NetSuite Whitepapers – NetSuite offers a virtual library of whitepapers for customers to learn more about NetSuite’s solutions.   If you click on the whitepapers link above, you will be directed to a submenu of topics that include Ecommerce, General Business Management, Manufacturing, Retail, Services, Software, and Wholesale/Distribution – much like the topics offered in the NetSuite webinar section.  Each of these links leads you to a list of several informative whitepapers that are available to download free of charge on topics from Tapping Cloud-Based ERP Solutions to Capture Global Business Opportunities to Demand Planning: Optimize Inventory Management and Streamline Supply Chain Processes.  Written by leading industry analysts, these whitepapers are a great source of information.

NetSuite Datasheets – NetSuite also offers a significant catalog of datasheets, available to download in .pdf format.  These data sheets offer a great way to learn about various NetSuite products and services in an easy to share design.  These datasheets are great to share with decision makers going through the discovery process as well as being a great overview for managers and end users alike to learn more about what to expect from NetSuite.  Topics include information about various NetSuite modules as well as industry specific material.  There are 30 datasheets in the NetSuite library, so finding the information you need is a snap.

NetSuite’s Interactive Dashboard - NetSuite's role-based Dashboards provide your business with real-time business intelligence across all areas of your company—from accounting and sales, to fulfillment and support. NetSuite's AJAX-powered, patent-pending Dashboards are customizable for each employee in your company, allowing you to maximize productivity across your entire organization.  The Dashboard offers instant snapshots of your designated key performance indicators (KPIs), and provides real-time trend graphs and ad hoc reports appropriate for each role in your business.  Click on the link above to learn more about NetSuite’s Interactive Dashboard.

Lastly, we offer you a great page on the NetSuite website to bookmark. You can access all of NetSuite’s educational resources mentioned in this article and last weeks article by following this link:

Are you ready to take your organization to new levels of success with NetSuite? The Vested Group has offices in Dallas, TX and Tampa, FL ready serve all of your business management system and cloud computing needs! Contact The Vested Group today and we can set up a product demonstration and answer all of your questions about NetSuite and cloud computing.  Also, be sure to like The Vested Group on Facebook