Blog — The Vested Group

NetSuite Tips and Tricks – Streamlining Order Entry

Written by Joel Patterson | Apr 8, 2014

If your organization is looking for a more efficient and effective way to manage order entry, NetSuite’s Grid Order Management may be a perfect solution. 

NetSuite Grid Order Management

Grid Order Management allows you to easily enter orders for multiple like items, view inventory and pricing information, and possibly reduce the occurrence of order entry errors.


NetSuite Grid Order Management SuiteApp is a managed SuiteApp feature that enables users to enter sales orders for inventory items in a grid entry form.

You can configure matrix items and items with similar attributes in grid templates, and enter sales orders using the grid templates. You can view item information such as Item Name, Location, Quantity Available, and Price as you enter orders. This streamlined format can save significant order entry time, increase the accuracy of orders for like items, and give users the opportunity to sell and fulfill orders faster.

The Grid Order Management SuiteApp supports the following item types:

•       Inventory Item
•       Lot Numbered Inventory Item
•       Serialized Inventory Item
•       Assembly Item
•       Lot Numbered Assembly Item
•       Serialized Assembly Item
•       Matrix Items (for Inventory, Lot Numbered Inventory, and                  Serialized Inventory Items)


How To Access The Grid Order Management SuiteApp

NetSuite Grid Order Management is available as a SuiteApp that is installed in your NetSuite account. If you would like more information about what this SuiteApp can do for your organization or if you are interested in purchasing this SuiteApp, contact The Vested Group today.  We not only offer top-ranked NetSuite consulting and implementation services but also a wide range of NetSuite customer support services as well. 

If you are exploring the Grid Order Management SuiteApp, you can learn more about it and what The Vested Group has to offer through our support division, inVESTED.  From issue resolution to training to NetSuite customizations and enhancements, inVESTED is the perfect solution for all of your NetSuite customer support needs.  

And, if you have not yet gone through your NetSuite install but are looking for a team of experienced consultants, you can begin with step one – or phase zero – and explore The Vested Group’s NetSuite consulting and implementation services. Make NetSuite work for you with The Vested Group and inVESTED today!