Blog — The Vested Group

What's Your Status?

Written by Aprille Tenorio | Nov 2, 2015

Did you know NetSuite provides a system status site, independent of the NetSuite User Interface? This site is available even if the netSuite User Interface is experiencing a service interruption or downtime.  The status page can be accessed at and has been redesigned for Version 2015 Release 2.

You will notice the status page includes the following sections: Current Status, Recent Posts, and Past 7 Days.

Current Status

The status page for NetSuite is displayed by default.  Click on NetSuite or OpenAir to switch between status pages.

Indicates the user's time zone, important when evaluating items with time and date stamps.

Use the drop-down menu to switch between English and Japanese.

Displays the number of application requests processed in the date range shown.

Displays the status for all data centers by default. Click on the data center name to display the status of a specific data center.

Displays the current status for various areas of the NetSuite application.

Recent Posts

When status icons are displayed for Partial Availability or Disruption, the reason is described in the Recent posts section of the page.  The post is updated with the time the incident was resolved.  Selecting a specific data center at the top of the screen affects the Recent Posts section.  That is, click on a specific data center name  to filter the results by data center.

Past 7 Days

You can see the history of services for seven days in this section.  Click on a Partial Availability or Disruption icon to see the reason the status was reported. 

Bookmark the NetSuite status URL,, for quick reference if you are experiencing service interruption or significant lag.  If you are seeking NetSuite support beyond system status, The Vested Group's support practice, inVESTED, is available to help. With an emphasis on simplicity, our support ticketing system works within NetSuite, ensuring your account support management is quick and painless.  Best of all, we bill in 15-minute increments to ensure you only pay for what you need. Contact inVESTED today to set up your NetSuite support account!