Blog — The Vested Group

Solving the Social Media Puzzle

Written by Aprille Tenorio | Mar 6, 2015

As consultants, we are often asked to provide input and advice on many types of business decisions.  Love it or hate it, social media is one of those murky areas that many businesses are still uncertain about handling.  What types social media accounts are worth the time and energy? How important is it for an organization to have a strong social media presence?

Navigating the maze of social media can often feel like a full-time job.  We all know that making good use of social media can give you an edge over your competition, but, if you are not careful, you could end up spinning your wheels without seeing benefit. While there is not one stock answer that will suit the needs of every organization, the most useful piece of advice in regard to social media is this: choose wisely.

It is tempting to create an account with every social media outlet available just to make sure you are not “missing out” on potential exposure.  However, you will quickly find hours evaporating in the black hole of all of the posting, responding, liking, messaging, maintaining, commenting, rating, uploading, downloading, favorite-ing, and sharing.  Instead, target your approach and devote your resources where it will benefit you the most.

Every organization should invest time in having a presence on Facebook and Twitter.  But, the amount of energy you put into these two accounts should be guided by your target audience. The more likely your type of business is to close a deal or make a sale thanks to Facebook or Twitter; the heavier your focus should be.  If these are atypical ways to gain customers, a simple presence is enough.

Beyond Facebook and Twitter, choose one other venue to focus your time. Is your product or service something that lends itself to visual mediums? Instagram or Pinterest might be best for you.  Is your business about knowledge transfer, information sharing, or education?  Developing a high-quality blog that readers view as a resource will be beneficial.  Is your business heavy in audio and video? YouTube is the obvious choice for you. 

Remember: focus on the social media avenues that make the most sense for your type of business, and you will see the greatest return on your efforts.