Blog — The Vested Group

inVESTED Goes Above and Beyond

Written by Aprille Tenorio | Apr 30, 2015

We have a lot happening at The Vested Group these days and our support practice, inVESTED, is a huge part of our expansion.  Last week, we talked about our newly renovated website and today we would like to focus on some growth we have made in the area of NetSuite support in particular.  Beyond NetSuite consulting and implementation services, The Vested Group is a full scale NetSuite Solution Provider.

When you hear the term NetSuite Support you may think of the typical “help-desk” definition of support. While inVESTED does offer standard NetSuite support services such as issue resolution, how-to training, and system debugging, we are so much more than that.

Post Go-Live Support

If you recently implemented NetSuite, chances are you have a few things left on your list – things that weren’t necessarily essential for go-live, but things you wanted your organization to get to eventually.  Don’t let eventually turn into never.  Bring your list to inVESTED and let us help you knock out those last few items, big or small.  You’ll be glad to get those items off your plate and enjoy the additional functionality of your NetSuite implementation.

NetSuite Solutions

In addition to typical and post-go live NetSuite support services, inVESTED also has a collection of pre-built solutions that our development team has created to meet the needs of our current NetSuite clients.  Click over to our support page to take a look at a sample of the solutions we have created.  If you see something in our solutions library that sounds useful for your organization, contact us to discuss how you can put one of our NetSuite solutions to work for you.

NetSuite Development

If you are looking for a personalized NetSuite enhancement to help address a specific issue that is unique to your organization, inVESTED also offers a full range of NetSuite development services. Our development team has extensive expertise in creating timesaving NetSuite solutions including transaction automations, workflow modifications, business document customizations, and customized reporting and saved searches, among other things.  There is no limit to what our development team can do, so contact us with your ideas today.

Whether you need simple NetSuite support, a complex NetSuite enhancement, or anything in between, inVESTED has a solution for you.  Get in touch with inVESTED, and let’s get to work!