Blog — The Vested Group

NetSuite Tips & Tricks: Your Friend, SuiteScript

Written by Aprille Tenorio | Oct 20, 2016

Today we have another guest post from one of our Senior Consultants, Pooja Sekaran.  In this post, Pooja shares several benefits of SuiteScript. If you are wondering how to make the most of NetSuite functionality, this is a great place to start.  If using SuiteScript is something you are interested in, but you don’t know quite where to start, The Vested Group’s NetSuite support practice, inVESTED, is the perfect solution for you. 

Our support offering was created with simplicity in mind – you only pay for the support you need and use and we enable customers to log and track tickets within their pre-existing NetSuite platform.  Take a closer look at what inVESTED can do for you by visiting our NetSuite support page, or contact The Vested Group for immediate help.  And without further ado - read on for Pooja’s SuiteScript insight:

Automation and Customizations with SuiteScript can be your “Friend in Need”

Time is Money in the business world and automation can be the Holy Grail for business processes. Automation can reduce manual errors and boost productivity, while saving time.

SuiteScript is a Javascript-based NetSuite platform that can aid in customization/automation of business processes. Here are some scenarios that make SuiteScript a blessing in disguise:

Processing records in a batch schedule

Do you want records to be updated or created on a schedule basis, without manual intervention? Scheduled SuiteScripts can modify and update a large amount of records and can be put on a scheduling queue that can be set to run at a future time or recurring times. You can even schedule the script to run on a nightly basis, while you’re watching your favorite TV show or catching a good night’s sleep.

Customizing Forms and User Interface

Every Business is unique and requires tailor-made features/functionality. SuiteScript enables customization of forms and User Interfaces that can make it more robust in user interaction. Additional User Interface components can be built on existing records, which can cater to your unique business needs.

Customized Dashboards to make your life fun and easy

Scripted Dashboard Portlets enable you to display NetSuite content on your dashboard and also external RSS feeds, blogs, and maps. SuiteScript Portlets can also help in building customized charts/reports on your dashboard that are dynamic and basic data entry forms which can be refreshed and resized.

Alerts/Prompts to Users and Dynamic logic validation

Client SuiteScripts can validate data entered by the user and also perform field level calculations. Alert/Prompts can be built whenever the data entered by the user is invalid or does not meet a required condition. Client SuiteScripts are dynamic in nature and are executed on the user’s browser, making it user-friendly.

Workflow Limitations can be handled with SuiteScript

NetSuite Workflow Builder is a powerful tool that can automate processes without having to write SuiteScript, but has certain limitations. Workflows cannot access line items and they only exist in the context of the instance of a record. In such scenarios, SuiteScript can be a lifesaver and can be attached to the workflow to address these limitations.