Blog — The Vested Group

TVGenius Spotlight: SuiteApprovals

Written by Stevie Patterson | Apr 21, 2020

Have you heard of TVGenius? 

TVGenius, [tee-vee-jeen-yuhs], noun:

  1.  That unique set of superpowers each one of us has that make us brilliant or amazing. Sometimes this is easy to identify like coding skills or an uncanny encyclopedic knowledge of saved search wildcards, and sometimes more elusive like being able to diffuse a tense interaction merely by your tone of voice.
  2. That spark or flash of inspiration that pops up unintentionally and inexplicably wows everyone on your project team and beyond and consistently underscores who you are and why you fit in at The Vested Group so well.
  3. The only accurate answer to: where did he learn that? …how’d she come up with that? …when did you find that? …how did he know that? …how did she do that? It’s that cool thing you do that can’t be learned or taught but just is.

Pretty much every organization you talk to these days will tell you what makes them different is their people.  While most probably say this with the utmost sincerity – as do we! Our employees are what makes the difference at The Vested Group and we want to show off their NetSuite superpowers...

Here is a little bit about SuiteApprovals from our Senior Consultant, Ross Cortese...

Suite Approvals

Say goodbye to complex Workflow Approvals!

SuiteApprovals provides standard capabilities for managing approval of the following record types:

  • Journal Entry
  • Engineering Change Order
  • Expense Report
  • Purchase Order
  • Requisition
  • Sales Order
  • Vendor Bill

With the customizable properties of SuiteApprovals, you can ensure that only authorized individuals can edit, approve, reject, and resubmit records for approval. You can create approval rules, each consisting of a set of criteria and approval hierarchy, to implement the validation and approval routing of these records.

SuiteApprovals enables you to set up employee and general amount limits to determine if a transaction record requires approval. You can choose to route records through hierarchical approval or custom approval, with the option to delegate approval authority.

SuiteApprovals can take the place of existing Workflows in most cases.

Approval Types

  • Department Approvers
  • Group Approvers
  • Role Approvers
  • Super Approvers

Approval Rules

You can create approval rules using the Approval Rule page or the Approval Rule Assistant. Both options contain the same fields and settings except that the latter lets you create approval rules in steps. The Approval Rules drive the routing for approvals based on approval limits, employee hierarchy, etc.

Delegate Approvers

You can delegate your approval to another employee within your subsidiary indefinitely or for a period of time, specified by start and end dates.

  • If you are a supervisor, records requiring your approval are routed to your delegate when employee hierarchy is specified in the approval rule.
  • If you are selected as approver of a specific approver type, records requiring your approval are routed to your delegate when the approval rule deployed uses a custom approval chain.

This blog was written by Ross Cortese, a Senior Consultant at The Vested Group.